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IT /Computer/Accounts
97% Success Rate
87% Retention Rate
A unique platform for the entrepreneurs, those are looking for a good opportunity in education sector.
- IT DESK is a part of Parshi Training & Technical Services Pvt.Ltd (CADDESK)
- Well recognised brand across India with a proven track record of quality and high yield.
- All Major industries in India repute the CAD DESK & ITDESK certification.
- Flexible franchise module to suit the support and financial requirement of franchise partners.
- Franchise an oriented system with the 24×7 support system.
- The high retention rate of franchise proves the faith of franchise partners in CAD DESK & IT DESK.
- The most efficient support system in an educational franchise system to cater to the technical, marketing or financial requirement.
- Caddesk offer combination of IT in Cad Franchise that will give you maximum source of revenue with combo offer of IT Desk along with Caddesk franchise itdeskindia.com
Start-up Support
- Welcome kit
- Promotional material and stationery
- office setup
- Recruitment
- inauguration
- Counselling training
- Marketing trainings
- Panel Trainings
- SEO and listing on web
- Monthly online Technical trainings
- On Demand technical trainings
- Offline training at various parts of country
- Sharing based training facility
Books & certificates
- Comprehensive course material
- Paper and digital book options
- Paper and digital exercise books
- Online solutions for exercise
- Physical & Digital course certificate
- Free Workshop certificates
Marketing Support
- Dedicated Support staff
- Common digital marketing
- Promotional & Gift Item
- Seminar & Presentation facilities
- Yearly centralised events
- Centralised lead Generation
- National level Competitions
- Inquiry follow ups
- Common toll-free no.
- Graphics design Facility
Student support
- Online panel
- Online tutorial
- Free student kit
- Placement alerts
- Design uploads
- Online certifications
Scope of Computer Science and Information Technology has amplified massively in recent years.
With a large adoption of Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, IOT and Robotics, the knowledge of Computer Science has become an essential skill for the jobs. Every year, 15+ Lac passing out engineers through 10K+ engineering college and 5 Lacs diploma engineers, creates a huge mass of technocrats, those needs similar training to match with industrial requirements.
Skill-based education has become the base of every institution and all major technical universities have included Computer Science and Information Technology in their curriculum as well. In the present condition, the scope is Computer Science is shifting from the infant to a mature stage, which asserts a considerable demand for Computer Science in future as well.
In nutshell, Computer Science and Information technologies and training is the emerging field in India with ample scopes of profitability, stability and reputation
Partner's Speek

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New franchises added to growing network of CAD DESK